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" Our problem being to form the future, we can only form it on the materials of the past; we must use our heredity, instead of denying it"

.......T.S. Eliot

" Geography and Chronology are the sun and the moon, the right eye and left eye of history. "

.......Richard Hakluyt

History and culture of a country like India or even the smaller unit, Bihar is comprehensive enough to demand our in-depth study of different regions it is comprised of. The facts asserted by regional history are more reliable. It is therefore the extensive study of regional history is the earnest demand of our time.

A logical hypothesis is the mother of any factual establishment. But hypothesis emerges as established concept only after a confirmation by different source.

These sources exclusively shape in our heritage. Heritage is not mere an object or tradition providing us moments of pride, it facilitates us the opportunity to scrutinize the deeds and direction of history at regional level as well. It is why the conservation of heritage and its assessment has become so relevant. This website is a step towards the above mentioned objectives.

- Dr. Shailesh Kumar Sinha

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